Missing Videos
- Drop in front and use trapeze
- standing on the trapeze
- easy: just jump into the hoop
- there is no 'speedrun' game
- bridge score from spinning disc
Big Fans:
- Fans Ending: Take the second fan directly to the finish
Big Shots:
- Run to the other side to help tip the see saw and suprise beans into the slime
Door Dash:
- Document how many doors are real/fake for each row
Egg Scramble:
- Full run is not great
- Offense & Defense neiter :D
Egg Siege:
- Throw some eggs straight into the basket
- Putting the eggs on a heap to cover the golden ones (and griefers trying to take them)
- Hang on the edge with a golden egg when someone tries to steal it
- Some sweaty defending
- Emptying a nest
Fall Ball:
- Grab a bean on respawn point
- Grab a bean for helping goalie dive the ball away
- Start: 2 dive goal in correct outfit
- AAlVbK2Q6ws : Slingus Flingus shot but actual goal...
- Defend ball on baseline with regular outfit
- Dive on ball while being grabbed: this seems to do a really goot shot
Freezy Peak:
- Start: Non punching gloves start
- Start S1: need to jump at the start now
Full Tilt:
- Useless shortcut: walk around at the end
- Better (faster) shortcut at the beginning
- Start with too tilted see saw: hide behind the cone
- Not taking lilies is slightly faster - not in regular outfit
Gate Crash:
- Donut Variant
- Explain the two different rotations of the 4 sliding walls
- Leave a bunch of tiles, drop, cut a bean off and get more tiles
- Jump dive onto the spinner
Knight Fever:
- Downward Slope & Thicc Bonkus: Blizzard Fans & default Kuberdongskes
- Thicc Bonkus: Grief before jump?
Lily Leapers:
- Final part: quickest diving patterns
- Left/Right Platform: normal diving sequence
Party Promenade:
- Ending: Trapeze to pipe ending
- Ending Trapeze with dive to grab trapeze
- Take the circular see saws instead of the pipe at the end
- Circular see saws: jump on the pipe ending and grab the final trapeze
Perfect Match:
- Safe Spot: the corners
- Safe Spot Middle: with lightning movie star
- Safe Spot Middle: jump dive on to push other beans off
Roll Off:
- Jump around a wall
- Jump on a wall
- Griefing
- Timeout uhoh
- Cross gap by jumping on the small 'connecting' bar
Roll Out:
- Stand on a donut
- Grief someone as they jump
See Saw:
- Two first checkpoints dive off
- Walk on the fences
Short Circuit:
- Better speedrun
- Ending Slingus Flingus: other variation (hit normal, direct towards the other)
- Start: middle start
Ski Fall:
- Low grav variant: dive through hoop while still jumping upwards
- Strategy: how to pick the final gold (blizzard fan, middle jump, left jump)
Skyline Stumble:
- Start: Normal crossover?
- Start: dive over the gap instead of passing the flipper
Slime Climb:
- Moving blocks: grief on jump
- Moving Blocks 2: normal passby
- Griefing with the different endings?
Stompin' Ground:
- Few beans left? Jump & Rhino's do not see you
- x jumps on a lily
- rhino avoidance with blizzard fan
- Get on the blizzard fan?
Sum Fruit:
- Speedrun: A 'nice' round
- Some griefing
- bypv9G7Q-WQ : needs cutting
Sweet Thieves:
- Thieves: move the boxes back
- Guardians: all 4 candies at boxes side
- Press button by throwing a candy
- Get caught early after pressing button
- yxu_jfgGKKE : cutting getting 4 candies in the water
- fWAS5GVfaFs : cutting getting 4 candies at the boxes
Tail Tag:
- Take a tail from someone that is hiding in the middle
- Jumping around the middle with/without jump dive
The Slimescraper:
- The Second Flippity Bippity: Hammers Variant (Easy)
- Gravity zone 1: vents variant -- near the edge while the left vent is active
- Gravity Zone 2: swinging lightning rod shortcut
- Light Swingers: moving donuts variant
- Gravity Zone 2: up the slope without a dive
- Moving Donuts: left donut -> jump & dive over it
Thin Ice:
- Griefing: grab someone as they jump over a tile
- Griefing: push someone off the edge
- Griefing: stand on the edge, jump and let someone walk off
- Island(s) strategy
- Slow jumping strategy
- Jumps over 2-3 tiles
Tip Toe:
- Double tile jump & dive
- Griefing at the end
- Yeetus win
Tundra Run:
- final platform easiest finish: need in movie star lightning
- superman skip when not in f** last position 😀
- final platform double slingus flingus -- lateral
Wall Guys:
- Griefing: push someone off a block / grab as they jump
- Squads: teamwork? push blocks when teammates are on top of it
- Squads: move blocks away after teammates made it?