For the first seasons there was Fall Guys TV
with very nicely crafted videos explaining us how to win.
While the content is now somewhat dated, those videos remain gold.
Click on the Fall Guys TV logo to see the video of Jinxed now!
While quite random in main show 20 vs 20, it is also one of the best squads finals.
Turn names on to see beans that are hiding behind something.
It'll get you across the map quickly but it's a dangerous place too. Walk against the current and grab as a bean passes by!
Standing around the spinner is asking to get jinxed, don't do it!
A very dangerous place but also very handy in that you can see the entire map. Because of possible desync, it's best to leave the spot as soon as someone is jumping on the spinner.
Drop on a bean from the spinner
Catch up with a bean by not using dive over the middle gap