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TW Tactics (All servers)

Updated 16 march 2019
v1.3: Enabled Tls. Fixed no more legacy_scenery xml node.

Desktop app for TW Warlords: Explore your world, plan attacks, monitor your enemies' progress and more

Sangu Package (NL server only)

Laatste update: 27 april 2021 (v8.233.3)
Unfortunately the Sangu Package is only legal on!
The remaining Sangu Package content is therefore in Dutch...

Het gekende en geliefde package :)

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TW Simulator+

door KPHS
Een betere aanvalssimulator
Reken zonder veel gedoe uit hoe een dorp te vegen!

Sangu: The Tribe

Starting from its inception, Sangu was the dominating tribe on the classic NL10 server. Never quite first in points but always at war with the tribe that was. Both the Sangu Package and TWTactics are tools used extensively and successfully by many Sangu players.

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The source code for both Sangu Package and TW Tactics is available on GitHub.

If you are new to JavaScript, some guidelines and information about how to start building a script for Tribal Wars can be found on the forum (Dutch).

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