These hoops are the best as you can remain on the platform with a dive. Works both ways.
Fun fact: both beans before me could have gotten that hoop!
1) When jumping through a hoop off the center platform, you can dive onto the bottom platform. 2) Use the bottom platform to jump dive directly onto a box.
One of the easiest jumps off the platform
Only easy if there are not a gazillion beans attempting the same!
Probably the hardest jump in the level. It's the only one were you don't really have to worry if you will not reach it first.
The ramp is positioned at the start that you can jump dive onto the platform without moving it. The jump is a bit tricky but very doable.
Teamwork makes the dream work
Grab to thwart their jumps!
Mistimed the jump? Grab the platform!
Handy in a number of occasions: jump in one direction but then dive in another