Egg Siege team Season L2 2:00


Collect the eggs!


Never give up 😀

Egg Collecting

Drop as many eggs towards your nest as you can
Ideally 2 beans start with the collecting while 2 beans start with Phase 2 right away
After collecting the eggs: throw them on the platform with a jump, almost immediately followed by a dive
Climb on the platform to throw in the eggs that are left on the platform
Throw the eggs to a teammate grabbing on the platform

Egg Protecting

You need two defenders or you won't make it. One bean on each slope.
Defend nearly at the bottom of the slope so that they cannot jump+dive eggs out!

Other Stuff

I'll protect this golden one while the other 2 get stolen 😀
DarkWrath trolling a bean with a golden egg

Missing Videos

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Missing on this page:
  • Throw some eggs straight into the basket
  • Putting the eggs on a heap to cover the golden ones (and griefers trying to take them)
  • Hang on the edge with a golden egg when someone tries to steal it
  • Some sweaty defending
  • Emptying a nest